Subject: You Are So Cool.
I don't know how I stumbled across your website - I think through the Webring Directory. I've looked at your site at least a dozen times. You've managed to capture what I've been trying to do - and are damned good at it! I LOVE concrete, steel and all that gritty stuff as well as your nature pictures! Can I please tell you how long I've been looking for a tunnel or even an oversized storm drain? The L.A. river is pretty populated these days since they've put in a running lane right by it.
Anyway - I've attached one of my first attempts of my "concrete" mode. Keep doing what you're doing - and maybe one day I'll be able to take pictures of you and that sexy body of yours doing lewd things in public places. Maybe we can set a timer and we could both be doing lewd things in public places! To each other!!! Hey, what are you doing labor day? And where do you live? I'm in L.A. The coastline needs to be photographed with your body. CIAO.
From: Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2000 1:24 PM To:
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